LTL Shipment Proper Receiving Guidelines:

  • Inspect the freight for obvious signs of damage. This may include tears, scratches, holes, dented-in corners, or an overall disheveled appearance. Note all incidences on the delivery receipt.
  • Compare the number of handling units to the number listed on the bill-of-lading and the delivery receipt.
  • Verify seal/shrink-wrap is intact.
  • If the condition and the quantity of your freight is acceptable, sign the delivery receipt. A signed delivery receipt with no exceptions is defined as a “clear delivery.” This means there were no damage or shortage associated with this delivery.

What to do if the freight is damaged or short:

You are required to inspect the shipment upon delivery. Damages or shortages must be noted on the receiving documents at the time of delivery. The shipper and/or the carrier reserve the right to inspect claimed damages or shortages. Report any damage or shortage immediately and send photos of damages.

If you fail to notify us within 10 business days in accordance with these requirements, you will not be entitled to reject the goods and will be deemed to have accepted the goods.

  • If the freight has major damage to the containers, cartons, or packaging and the product inside is obviously not salvageable, refuse the delivery. Make sure all information is properly outlined on the POD and take pictures. Immediately notify ISN customer service or sales representatives or email
  • If the shipment has minor damage and the product inside looks acceptable, go ahead and accept the shipment, but note the damage on the delivery receipt (DR) in the presence of the driver. If cartons or product packaging is torn or crushed, open the product while the driver is present to give him/her visibility. Notating packaging defects is not always acceptable from a claim’s perspective. This documentation assists in the OS&D process and creates a stronger case for reimbursement. If you fail to notate damage on the DR, it becomes harder to prove that the damage occurred while in the carrier’s possession. Pictures of damages will assist in the claims process. Immediately notify ISN customer service or sales representatives or email
  • If damage to the product is found after opening cartons (concealed damaged) While most concealed damage claims are denied by freight companies, there is a 100% chance of denial if reported after five (5) days. Take pictures of the damaged product if possible. Also, save the damaged product and packaging so the carrier can inspect and assess the damages. If these items are not saved, it makes it almost impossible to collect on a claim. Immediately notify ISN customer service or sales representatives or email
  • If the pallets have been shrink-wrapped and the shrink wrap/packaging has been tampered with, note on the delivery receipt “shrink-wrap not intact.” This will assist in the claims process in the event your shipment is received short.

We suggest you place all damaged shipments received in a predetermined area. The claim process may require onsite inspections from the carrier and retention of the shipment until the claim is resolved.

Customers using a transportation company of their choice for deliveries will be responsible for filing claims against their carrier for shortages and damages.